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Stop motion

Writer's picture: Zack ScanlonZack Scanlon

Updated: May 24, 2021

For the stop motion project my team got the word hide so we started to brainstorm ideas for the word and we settled on an animation of a prisoner shimmying along an edge so that they could escape from prison and then drop down behind a bush so that they can hide and not get caught.

I recorded reference of me shimmying along an edge in my garden and then to simplify it so we would have the main motion and movement i rotoscoped animated it to a stick figure type shape as this better suited our clay figure. Once we had that we took to animating our little clay figure we made. it took a few passes to get a version of the shimmy that we were happy with as with one passes the file got corrupted. Next was the falling down shot, one idea was to shoot the bush separately and overlay it but we decided to change it so as he falls and intersects with the bush we would remove the obscured parts and this yielded a good result that was much less hassle. Overall i am quite pleased with how this turned out consider me and my team have never done stop motion animation so for a first attempt i'm very happy with it. Things i would improve is the animation itself as it feels quite choppy to me so just adding more frames inbetween would make for a much smooth video. Second fix would be the audio as whilst is does the job well i would time it better and adjust the volume of certain parts as some audio bits are louder than others.


Final Shot


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