The pill is a complex digital asset that was created
cymatics was used as reference for when dust, dirt and liquid are hit with sound
2nd harmonic was used for when Frank manifested powers at the end of the film.
For the camoflague criminal they used cutter fish for reference. They also created a digital double for things like the sub surface scattering.
For the bullet impact they shot joesph gordon levit with an airgun then used rhino skin as reference for the bullet proof skin to augment the shot. A hair simulation was also used to augment.
For the shot where the girl freezes to death it was a 3000 frame shot where they had to use a digital double to emit issue from the girl then break off her finger. Within the cage the glass also gets ice that crawls up the glass.
The shot where biggie took the pill they created two sets to make biggie look scaled up.
Real science was used for the newt being on fire the basis was a real world over heating. They done some camera tests to gather refernce for the fire. To achieve this effect they attached leds that were in the prostetics to solve the lightning issue. They used digi double to augment the fire effects like the chair and jumping shot.
Invisable effects are also used for things like set extentions and removal of things like wires and things that shouldn't be in the shot.