Genre: First person shooters
Description: From a first person perspective where the objective usually involves the player killing AI or other people in a pvp match.
Gameplay mechanics: The main mechanics are how each gun works and changes the gameplay.
Genre: Simulation
Description: Normally recreating a real world activity like farming or delivering
Gameplay mechanics: does the game adhere to real world rules like laws and physics for example in a delivery simulator are you punished for being late with a delivery.
Genre: Roleplaying
Description: Making a character in game and pretending to be your self made character and immersing yourself in that world.
Gameplay mechanics: Interactions with the NPC's and how your character is seen in that world like their roles, ect.
Genre: Racing games
Description: Either on a track or an open world map you race from your car from point A to B either trying to beat AI, friends or yourself.
Gameplay mechanics: How each vehicle behaves like a truck being slower to a sports car or rain effecting your wheels traction on whatever material the road is made of.